Tuesday, July 19, 2011



I've never been homeschooled...at least in the traditional sense.  I went to public schools, but outside of school my parents designed supplementary projects for my younger sister and I to do so we weren't stuck in front of the  tv all the time.

I graduated from high school in 2006 and homeschooling wasn't really that common in my hometown despite it being a bastion of Christian Culture-ites. Rather than homeschool their kids, CC parents sent their kids to public school and tried to influence the schools to what they wanted.  As a result, I didn't learn about evolution until college and had to learn about sex via medical sites and from experienced friends, for example.

There were a few families that homeschooled, but rarely for religious reasons.  If a kid was at least partly homeschooled, it was often because he or she had a learning problem that the school wasn't addressing or the kid was intentionally slacking off and Mom and Dad homeschooled them for a semester to make them focus.

Given that, at least when I was in school, at least a few families seemed to use the public schools as essentially a baby-sitting service and the CC-ites had great sway on what is taught, I highly doubt homeschooling will really catch on around here.

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